Thursday, October 20, 2005

LifE GoeS up LifE GoeS DowN

what is it about the things in life that have this amaxing power over happiness? One day you can be riding high on cloud nine, then next you can be plumitting back to earth to meet what seems to be certain doom! People are so hard to understand! sometimes i wish that everyone would just think like me then we would all be on the same page. but of course that isn't a reality and praise the Lord that everyone doesn't think like me :) in today's world, there doesn't seem to be much emphasis on the importance of what true friendship really is. friends today are expendable, there are plenty of other fish in the sea etc.

what ever happened to loyalty, trust and commeradeship? (is that even a word?). i want the type of friend who will stand by me in tough times and happy times, the type of friend who is not afraid to be honest with me and will let me know if i am out of line or there is something in my life that needs tending to. if god lays something on my heart then i try to carry it out to the best of my ability (most of the time). sometimes it means saying something to someone that they don't want to hear, and that is hard - especially for me, i don't like upsetting people - but in the end, usually the situation improves through God's work.

like my good friend wilby pointed out in a journal entry at his deviantart site... christians are always talking about the battle they see going on but rarely do they raise the sword and fight. i agree for the most part, it bewilders me and frustrates me sometimes that all some christians do is talk about the battle/problem. nothign ever gets done!!! and when they finally get around to doing something about it, the prooblem is too big for them to handle or another problem has moved in. i really feel that we as christians need to take up arms against the enemy together and take back this land for God. we have been equipped with all the armour and weaponry that we need, so why is it just sitting in the corner getting rusty whilst we sit and have debates about how often communion should be taken, or what songs to sing in church, or how the church isn't giving us what we need. why is that stupid petty little stuff consuming our lives? people wonder why those outside the church think we are all weird! but why aren't we outside the church too? why do we confine ourselves to the 4 walls of our churces and wait for the 'lost' to find their way home into the throne room of God's grace and love. here's a concept, why can't we take God's love and grace to them... why should they be the ones who have to feel uncomfortable... didn't the great JC say that in this life we will have trouble and trials and stuff, it isn't going to be easy! so why do we take the easy way out and blame everyone but oursleves for the decline in our churches! it's time to take the fight to the enemy. instead of letting the emeny infiltrate our lines, let's get into his lines for a change and take back this land!!!

Ok, that's enough preaching for me for today... sorry all, I got a bit carreid away there... but that has been what's on my mind a but lately...

stay tuned


1 comment:

Unknown said...

you are great! i know that this annoyance with everyone else is a catalyst for you to actually do something and get your hands dirty... i hope that you can push yourself to do something!