what is it about special times of year that make people go all philosophical... Easter, Christmas, New Years, Birthdays, Annaversaires etc. What makes these days any different to any other day? Why do we all post meaningful messages on our facebook or msn status' and feel that by doing that we have done our bit for the cause or we have helped to cleanse our souls? Why are such moments of spiritual clarity only achieved on such days i wonder? i do of course realise that there are some abnormal people out there who are capable of having these epiphanies outside of the boundaries of a special or memorable day of the year, but these people are just insanely spiritual and have already achieved a certain level of clarity that plebs like you and me could only dream about :) i am of course being sarcastic... mostly.
it has always struck me as odd why someone would announce that they are doing or contemplating something spiritual (don't get me wrong, i have done this too). i kind of liken it to the pharasies praying in the courts in loud voices so those around them could hear how great they were. i am absolutley positive that this is not the reasoning behind doing such announcements for us, but it now strikes in interesting chord within me. i noticed that at the beginning of the easter weekend many of my facebook friends updated their status' to read something along the lines of so-and-so is thinking of Jesus, or so-and-so is thinking about God's love. Don't get me wrong, these are wonderful things to be thinking about, but shouldn't we as Christians be thinking about them all day every day? why now does it get a special mention in our facebook status? Please understand that i am not having a go at anyone in particular, i am having a go at me mainly because i do this too and it disturbs me! why do i have to wait for a specail day to commemorate Jesus and what he has done for me? even the title of this very entry is doing exactly what i am complaining about. why do i only take communion at church on sunday? why don't i commune with my friends and family and break bread with them?
i don't have any answers or solutions, just questions asked of myself in annoyance. why is it not an every minute of every day thing when it should be? too much was paid for me to just live it or accept it whenever i feel like it. too much was paid for me to just make some insightfully spiritual status update a few times a year. too much was paid...
stay tuned... more to come...